Hi Grant,

Sorry you're having trouble. In the "Sound Hardware" preferences (the page
that came up when you tried to start Mixxx), try changing "Sound API" to
WASAPI or WDM-KS if those are available options.

Could you send a screenshot of the Sound Hardware page? What options are
listed under "Sound API"

Best regards,

On Wed, Nov 16, 2016 at 4:30 AM Grant Matthew Lackey <2106...@geneva304.org>

> Grant. M. Lackey
> Hey man! I am a younger teen messing around bith music, and I came across
> your program. Upon downloading the program and opening it I was greeted
> with a configuration notification and I tried various things and I couldn’t
> get it to work. Any tips or tricks. ( I am running a dell laptop with
> windows 10) if that matters. Thank you
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