
> Has anyone noticed mpeg2enc rc92 creating odd "flashing" artifacts on
> what should be otherwise generally smooth color backgrounds?  I've
> attached a small jpeg (29k) showing an example of the artifact.  If
> you look to the right of the tall actor's shoulder, you can see very
> clearly what I'm talking about, it's a nice herringbone pattern of
> mpeg encoding subblocks (I'm not sure of the official name).  When
> playing this video file, the herringbone pattern fades in slowly,
> then disappears.  And this frame is not the only instance, it's just
> the one I paused on to capture to jpeg.
> The mpeg2enc encoding parameters I used (yes, I know some of these
> are defaults, but...) is my standard entry I've been using for
> Carnivale (the frame is from about 14 seconds into this past Sunday's
> Carnivale on HBO), which is:
> -f 5 -n n -a 2 -V 230 -B 224 -S 8000 -b 9576 -q 10 -I 1 -G 54 -H
> -N 0.0 -X 200 -Q 4.0 -R 0 -d -4 4 -2 4
What is the -X option ?!?!
What I don't understand is why you set a extra high bitrate (-b) and
want extra low quality -q -4 -2 -Q.
I gues some of you problems could vanish if you use the defaults for -4
and -2. 

> The only difference between this set of parameters and the set I have
> been using with rc91 is the addition of "-R 0" to obtain only P
> frames.  An encoding run of Carnivale with rc91 produces an encoded
> file that's just as I've been accustomed to obtaining.  There are
> no artifacts visible to me on screen when I play the same section of
> the rc91 encoding.
> I'll leave a run of rc92 without -R 0 running overnight to see what
> it does when encoding both P & B frames and report the results in the
> morning.

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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