On Tue, Dec 16, 2003 at 12:45:48PM -0800, Trent Piepho wrote:
> On Tue, 16 Dec 2003, Richard Ellis wrote:
> > > 6 or 8GB/s L2. The cache size is 256k/CPU, 64k L1.  At 550MB/s,
> > > it SHOULD be able to push enough to keep the frames encoding at
> > > 100% CPU, in theory.
> > 
> > Yes, but just one 720x480 DVD quality frame is larger than 256k
> > in size, so a 256k cache per CPU isn't helping too much overall
> > considering how many frames there are in a typical video to be
> A 720x480 4:2:0 frame is about 512KB, at 550MB/sec there is enough
> memory bandwidth to encode at about 1000 frames/sec if all you had
> to do was read the data.  Obviously the encoder runs somewhat
> slower than that, so each byte of data must be accessed multiple
> times.  That's where the cache helps.

With motion estimation each byte would end up being accessed more
than once for each new "radius" that was examined.  Plus motion
estimation is between at least two frames, so we are dealing with at
least about 1M of data to be accessed eventually in the course of
encoding one frame.

> > Of course, Andrew would be much better suited to discuss
> > mpeg2enc's memory access patterns during encoding, which
> > depending on how it does go about accessing memory can better
> > make use of the 256k of cache, or cause the 256k of cache to be
> > constantly thrashed in and out.
> I seem to recall that one of the biggest performance bottlenecks of
> mpeg2enc is they way it accesses memory.  It runs each step of the
> encoding processes and en entire frame at a time.  It's much more
> cache friendly run every stage of the encoding process on a single
> macroblock before moving on the to next macroblock.

In that case it will kill the majority of the performance benifit
provided by the caches, because there's very little locality of
reference for the cache to compensate for.  It moves through at least
512k for pass one, then through the same 512k again for pass two, but
the data in the cache is from the end of the frame, and we are
starting over at the beginning of the frame.  Massive cache thrash in
that case.  Memory bandwidth becomes a much more limiting factor.

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