On Tue, 2003-12-16 at 13:15, Richard Ellis wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 16, 2003 at 12:33:52AM -0700, Slepp Lukwai wrote:
> >.. It's a dual Athlon, which inherently means 266FSB (DDR 266),
> > though the memory is actually Hynix PC3200 w/ timings set as low as
> > they go on this board (2-2-2), which gives me about 550MB/s memory
> > bandwidth according to memtest, with a 13GB/s L1 and something like
> > 6 or 8GB/s L2. The cache size is 256k/CPU, 64k L1.  At 550MB/s, it
> > SHOULD be able to push enough to keep the frames encoding at 100%
> > CPU, in theory.
> Yes, but just one 720x480 DVD quality frame is larger than 256k in
> size, so a 256k cache per CPU isn't helping too much overall
> considering how many frames there are in a typical video to be
> encoded.  Plus, my experience with Athlon's is that they are actually
> faster at mpeg2enc encoding that Intel chips of equivalent speed
> ratings (the Athlon's 3dnow/mmx implimentation is faster) and so they
> put a heavier stress on one's memory bandwidth than an equivalent
> speed Intel chip would.  It's possible that 275MB/s per CPU just
> isn't fast enough to keep up with the rate that mpeg2enc can consume
> data on an Athlon.

Yes, I expect the cache to only be able to fit the mpeg2enc code
sections, not any of the data it uses. If the code keeps getting bumped
out, then that's a problem. And 275MB/s may not be enough, true... It's
too bad the Athlon dual chipset (AMD 768MPX) can't do above about 140
MHz bus speeds to see how much memory speed affects it.

> Of course, Andrew would be much better suited to discuss mpeg2enc's
> memory access patterns during encoding, which depending on how it
> does go about accessing memory can better make use of the 256k of
> cache, or cause the 256k of cache to be constantly thrashed in and
> out.

It could be interesting to use cachegrind on mpeg2enc and see what it
declares for cache hit/miss, but I find cachegrind tends to make a 1
minute runtime hit 10 minutes, so I may not bother..

> > Now that's just silly. Why would you hurt the CPUs by running such bloat
> > as Mozilla? I can't think of how many times Mozilla has gone nuts on me
> > and used 100% CPU without reason, and you can't kill it any normal UI
> > way.. Good ol' killall. However, I love it. It's a great browser. Just
> > rather hungry at times. I suppose there's a reason the logo is a
> > dinosaur. :>
> Hmm... Interesting.  I've had it sometimes just stop but never go
> nuts with 100% CPU, and although I usually do CLI kill it if need be,
> FVWM2's "destroy" window command has never failed to get rid of it if
> I don't bother to go CLI to do so.  In fact, FVWM2's "destroy" has
> never failed to get rid of anything that went wonky.  It's the X
> windows equivalent to a "kill -9" from the CLI.

I've had it lock up and X becomes unresponsive since it's in a loop
doing some expensive operation of some sort. It's strange. I don't see
it nearly as often with the newer Mozillas as I did the old ones (in
fact, haven't seen it in over a month).

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