On Tue, 27 Jan 2004, Andrew Stevens wrote:

> Hi Ray,
> I tried encoding a fairly noisy, interlaced, captured video to simulate a DV 
> source.    First with and without yuvdenoise (default settings).  I found I 
> was getting visible block artefacts with yuvdenoise on static image 
> components but not with just mpeg2enc.

        The encodings I've been doing lately have been of material that didn't
        need denoising - that's probably why I haven't noticed any quality

> Looks like it something to do with the sequence denoise. Even so, could I get 
> a snippet for my regression testing library?

        I noticed in the original commands Ray mentioned -N 1.0 and -E -10 
        in the mpeg2enc options.  Possible that those are not a good mix?
        Might they amplify the effect that yuvdenoise is having on the data
        I wonder?   

        Steven Schultz

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