I've been experiencing the strong urge to provide a brief testimonial
about Mnemosyne.  In short, I think this program is amazingly useful.
It has become the single most useful tool in my French studies.  I
have been using Mnemosyne for only four months, for about 30 minutes
per day, and I now have around 1700 cards -- or 850 words, not
counting "vice versas."  70% of my cards are already at grade level 5.

My advice is to pace yourself.  I keep adding only enough words to
keep the number of scheduled cards for the next day at around 100.
Sometimes that means not adding new cards for 1-3 days.  Trust me, I
really have to restrain myself -- I am just as eager to learn more
words as the next person!  But I know that at my current speed, I will
commit 2500 words per year to long term memory, which seems quite
significant.  I feel that the "turtle" approach is the way to go, not
the "hare" one.

If any of the creators of Mnemosyne happen to read this: Thank you for
having created such a fantastic, functional program!  And to those who
have not started using Mnemosyne yet: Begin using it daily, and you'll
soon be a fan.  Mark my word.

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