After trying everything else, including *three* commercial programs,
mnemosyne is my choice. The simple interface is a "no-brainer" in the
best way, transparently getting the job done.
The cardmaking tools are just right for me. (I dread the complicated
experience of some other programs that leave me worrying that
something isn't right.)
Being open source and python, I can make small changes for my personal
use. It has few dependencies too.

I've moved on to actually studying!

"Just trust mnemosyne".

On Dec 22, 8:06 am, Peter Bienstman <> wrote:
> On Monday 22 December 2008 10:25:13 CanadianGuyEnFrance wrote:
> > Once again, thank you for this program.
> You're welcome!
> > Is there a way to make a financial donation?
> Thanks for the generosity, but I'd rather keep money out of this to stress
> that this is a voluntary project.
> Cheers,
> Peter
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