As another note... I hadn't really thought about it this way before-
and I don't know if these were your thoughts at all- but I can see how
someone could view giving a score of 4 on a scale from 0-5 as meaning
"80% mastered" or something, instead of "being learned at the
completely optimal rate." So from that perspective, a score of 5 would
be considered more "desirable" than a score of 4, even though a score
of 5 is actually <i>sub</i>-optimal from the perspective of the
algorithm (i.e., it means the card has been displayed too early, and
that the user's memory didn't get properly refreshed).

Has anyone else brought up this potential interface issue? I imagine
it ought to be self-correcting (i.e. when someone suddenly starts
lapsing on those cards, they'll give them lower scores) but it's an
interesting problem.

On Dec 20, 9:46 am, derGermanBloke <> wrote:
> I've been experiencing the strong urge to provide a brief testimonial
> about Mnemosyne.  In short, I think this program is amazingly useful.
> It has become the single most useful tool in my French studies.  I
> have been using Mnemosyne for only four months, for about 30 minutes
> per day, and I now have around 1700 cards -- or 850 words, not
> counting "vice versas."  70% of my cards are already at grade level 5.
> My advice is to pace yourself.  I keep adding only enough words to
> keep the number of scheduled cards for the next day at around 100.
> Sometimes that means not adding new cards for 1-3 days.  Trust me, I
> really have to restrain myself -- I am just as eager to learn more
> words as the next person!  But I know that at my current speed, I will
> commit 2500 words per year to long term memory, which seems quite
> significant.  I feel that the "turtle" approach is the way to go, not
> the "hare" one.
> If any of the creators of Mnemosyne happen to read this: Thank you for
> having created such a fantastic, functional program!  And to those who
> have not started using Mnemosyne yet: Begin using it daily, and you'll
> soon be a fan.  Mark my word.
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