On Tue, Aug 8, 2017 at 4:40 PM, Aleksander Morgado
<aleksan...@aleksander.es> wrote:
> Not really, no. LTE is 3GPP, so the LE866-SV is 3GPP, regardless of
> operator, we cannot change that or it wouldn't work in MM. What we
> need is a way to "switch to 3GPP2 SMS messaging" in 3GPP-only modems,
> either automagically (maybe flagging this specific modem to do so via
> a udev tag) or via a user-requested option when creating the SMS.

Umh, a udev tag will also work for us.

>> It is my understanding that this modem can only be used with Verizon SIM 
>> cards.
> Is the modem locked to Verizon in any way?

I am not sure, my mate in US was telling me that. I also found that
they list 'Verizon' as the only provider in some documents, like
second page of this PDF:

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