DeWitt Clinton wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Jan 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Hi, I am switching my modperl site to squid in httpd acclerator mode
> > and everything works as advertised, but was very surprised to find
> > squid 10x slower than apache on a cached 6k gif as measured by
> > apache bench... 100 requests/second vs almost 1000 for apache.
> I've experienced the same results with accelerating small static files.
> However, we still use squid on our site ( because our httpd
> processes are so heavy, and to save a trip to the database for documents
> that are cachable, such as product images.  We've found that the net
> performance gain to be noticeable.  However, if all you are serving is
> static files that live on the same tier as the apache server, you'll
> probably be better of without squid.
> On that topic, is there an alternative to squid?  We are using it
> exclusively as an accelerator, and don't need 90% of it's admittedly
> impressive functionality.  Is there anything designed exclusively for this
> purpose?  Perhaps a modperl module that implements caching of files based
> on Expires headers?

How about mod_backhand?  It is capable of not
only buffering, but also load balancing and failover.

If all you want is buffering, it would be very easy to write a small
program that accepted http requests and forwarded them to another
daemon, then buffered the response.  Perhaps this would be a good
weekend project for one of us.

I've been tinkering with the idea of writing an httpd.  As much as I
like Apache, there are many things I don't like about it, and a ton of
functionality that I won't ever need.  All I really want is a web server

1) Is multithreaded or otherwise highly parallel.
2) Has a request stage interface like Apache's
3) Uses async I/O

Number 3 would releive us of this squid hack that we are all using. 
That doesn't seem too hard.  I think I will write it.  I'll need someone
to hook in the Perl interpreter, though :)


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