> Lately I've been using apache on the front end with mod_rewrite and
> mod_proxy to send mod_perl-required page requests to the heavy back
> end.  This has infinite more flexibility than squid, and allows me to
> have multiple personalities to my sites.  See for example the sites
> http://www.morebuiness.com and http://govcon.morebusiness.com
> These are on the same server, and all images and CGI's run on the
> small apache, and the page contents are dynamically generated by a
> heavy back-end proxied transparently.  The front end apache proxies to
> a different back-end based on the hostname it is contacted under.
Do you know how does this work with slow clients compared to squid. I always
thought (but never tried) one benfit of squid is, that it temporaly caches
(should be better say buffers?) the output generated by mod_perl scripts, so
the script can run as fast as possible and deliver it's output to squid,
while squid delivers the output to a slower client, the the process running
mod_perl can already serve the next request, therfore keeping the number of
mod_perl processes small.

Does this work in this way with squid? I don't think this will work with
Apache and a simple ProxyPass...


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