> Gunthar,
> Previous to reading your post I thought I was the least qualified to
> comment on the conference . . .

:) I do think everyone is qualified on this list to say what they would like
out of a conference that involves mod_perl.

> Personally, a tightly focused Apache::mod_perl::conference might actually
> get me to move away from a keyboard.
> PS: I don't want to be a programming whore, and if I did I wouldn't attend
> a mod_perl conference.  There are plenty of conferences for that.  I'd
> rather eat PB&J and develop open source while drawing unemployment, than to
> perfect my whoredom.

That is your perogative, but then are you also interested in Python? PHP? Java?
I know Java isn't open source, but it also isn't Microsoft and has a relatively
open API.

Of course that brings us to the question as to whether OReilly Perl conference
is really giving people the depth in what seems to be an increasingly popular
reason for using Perl: mod_perl. If you want to do a tightly focused
Apache::Mod_perl conference, then, I would tend to think it would be cool to
have a mod_perl specific track rather than bundling it with another track.

The problem with conferences is that they are expensive to hold. Not all
attendees also have the opportunity to have their employers pay for more than
one conference a year. Given this, combining a good round of related
technologies together helps get vendor sponsorship and the largest amount of
people to attend.

Focus is good. So I like that part of your suggestion, but I think that can be
handled by having a dedicated track in a larger conference.

If you think OReilly isn't doing a mod_perl specific track with enough advanced
topics covered this year, then maybe YAPC could consider taking on this task...
Although YAPC is East Coast.

However, OReilly has been pretty good. For example, they had these "Guru is In"
sessions, and actually Doug MacEachern himself did one! You could ask him
ANYTHING you wanted to about Perl (which was great idea) -- the only problem
with last year is that they shoved the Guru Is In sessions into some side
office building that was hard to find (for my first time anyway).

> IM(Inconsequential)HO,
> Jeff
> CN=Jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 03/31/2000 10:30:02 AM

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