
Ok, we are getting ready to head out on a rather largish project, and it is
time to settle on a set of tools.

The primary issues:

1) Quick development

2) Ability to migrate easily to/from win2000 servers (Apache/win32 is fine)

3) Minimum arcane traps

4) Minimum destabilization of the server (Apache/IIS)

>From looking around the web and the mailing lists for a week or so.... it
seems to us that the following is true - but I >hope< someone can debunk the

1) It is VERY easy to have arcane errors in mod_perl code, and that code is
not as easily debugged as one could hope. While it seems that we can be very
careful with our own code and avoid much of this - there are numerous issues
about CPAN modules, that means much of the advantage of perl is called into

2) It seems that the stability of Apache is adversely effected - with the
most common reccomendations being that the apache config should be tailored
to restart the children every x requests to prevent memory creeping crud.

3) There are LOTS of posts about segfaults with bad code - this is scary :)
It seems like the perl core has a way to go to be ready for this?

4) There does not seem to be a compatible win32/linux modperl/embedding
toolkit. I can use modperl/apache/::ASP under linux, but the same setup does
not seem stable under win32 - and the activestate ASP perlex stuff does not
seem completely compatible.

Thanks for any light you can shed - or pointers to discussions on these


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