> > I don't understand what you're getting at. Does this mean that something
> > shouldn't be optimized because there's something else in the process that
> > is taking more time? For example I have a database powered site, the slowest
> > part of request processing is fetching data from the database. Should I
> > disregard any optimization not dealing with the database fetches ? These
> > things add up, so don't you think that whatever can be optimized, should ?
> > Of course the slowest stuff should be optimized first, but that doesn't
> > mean that other optimisations are useless.
> Of course you can optimize forever, but some optimizations aren't going to
> make a whole lot of difference. This is one of those optimizations,
> judging by these benchmarks. Let Stas re-write this benchmark test as a
> handler() and see what kind of difference it makes. I'm willing to
> bet: barely any between averages.
> Perhaps I was a little strong: Lets not deprecate this part of the guide,
> just provide some realism in the conclusion.

here we go, the benchmark holds for all but list_print!!!

query         | avtime completed failed    rps 
here_print    |    109      5000      0    894 
single_print  |    110      5000      0    883 
list_print    |    111      5000      0    877 
multi_print   |    118      5000      0    817 

Here is the module used in benchmarking:

package MyPrint;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
use Apache::URI ();

my %callbacks = (
          list_print   => \&list_print,
          multi_print  => \&multi_print,
          single_print => \&single_print,
          here_print   => \&here_print,

sub handler{
  my $r = shift;
  my $uri = Apache::URI->parse($r);
  my $query = $uri->query;

  return DECLINED unless  $callbacks{$query};
  return OK;

  sub multi_print{
    print "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN\">\n";
    print "<HTML>\n";
    print "  <HEAD>\n";
    print "    <TITLE>\n";
    print "      Test page\n";
    print "    </TITLE>\n";
    print "  </HEAD>\n";
    print "  <BODY BGCOLOR=\"black\" TEXT=\"white\">\n";
    print "    <H1> \n";
    print "      Test page \n";
    print "    </H1>\n";
    print "    <A HREF=\"foo.html\">foo</A>\n";
    print "    <HR>\n";
    print "  </BODY>\n";
    print "</HTML>\n";
  sub single_print{
      Test page
  <BODY BGCOLOR="black" TEXT="white">
      Test page 
    <A HREF="foo.html">foo</A>
  sub here_print{
    print <<__EOT__;
      Test page
  <BODY BGCOLOR="black" TEXT="white">
      Test page 
    <A HREF="foo.html">foo</A>
  sub list_print{
    print "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN\">\n",
              "  <HEAD>\n",
              "    <TITLE>\n",
              "      Test page\n",
              "    </TITLE>\n",
              "  </HEAD>\n",
              "  <BODY BGCOLOR=\"black\" TEXT=\"white\">\n",
              "    <H1> \n",
              "      Test page \n",
              "    </H1>\n",
              "    <A HREF=\"foo.html\">foo</A>\n",
              "    <HR>\n",
              "  </BODY>\n",


Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
http://stason.org/       mod_perl Guide  http://perl.apache.org/guide 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://perl.org     http://stason.org/TULARC
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