The idea of a 404 handler will fit perfectly with mod_rewrite: I can
create a 404 handler that writes the page to a static file and to the
browser and a rewrite rule that redirects request of the dynamic page to
the static page.
        The only problem is one I already had trying to write a module: I don't
know how to get the output of the dynamic page in a handler, to write it
to a file. Does anyone knows how to do this?

aaron wrote:
> at a time earlier than now, darren chamberlain wrote:
> >
> > Write a handler (or cgi script, or registry script, or NSAPI plugin, or PHP
> > page) that handles 404 Errors, generates the (static) page, and writes it to
> > the location in the file system where the requested page should live. The
> > next time it is called, it will be treated like any other HTML file request.
> > The fastest way to cache pages is to have them be regular HTML.
>  i like this idea and i've heard of several people implementing it
>  successfully.
>  so the interface to the caching code would be accesible anywhere? right?
>  it could be fairly simple.. i think this sounds like a feasible project. it
>  has a huge advantage over squid or other external proxies, b/c the validation
>  logic doesn't have to fit the HTTP model.
>  $cache->expire(key);
>  $cache->store(key,value,{validate_options});
>         - Mason already has some nice code to attach validation to the cache
>         entry.
>  what else do you need externally?
>  is it possible that Apache::Session could be used to handle storage? that way
>  the caching code would be able to handle just about anything.. and the
>  back end storage is already generalized. if you used Session::FileStore, you
>  could just set the Directory to be the document root, and the session_id to
>  the file name of the dynamic (and now static) page.
>  Aaron
> >
> > Another option is to set up whatever handler you want, on a development or
> > staging server (i.e., not the live one), and grab the pages
> > with lynx -dump or GET or an LWP script, and write them to the proper
> > places in the filesystem where the live server can access them.
> > With a little planning, this can be incorporated
> > into a cron job that runs nightly (or hourly, whatever) for stuff that is
> > updated regularly but is composed of discernable chunks.
> >
> > Good luck.
> >
> > (darren)
> >
> > --
> > Of course God is a vi user. If he used emacs, he'd still be waiting for it to
> > load on the seventh day.

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