On Wed, 26 Jul 2000, Erich L. Markert wrote:

> Obviously not the same stuff as you ;-)
> You missed my point, even though you reiterated it in your statement...
> How can you make a valid comparison between mod_perl against PHP?  You
> can't because they are different beasts and serve different purposes. 
> That's why I said it would be more valid to compare JSP against mod_perl
> - similar technologies.

Actually the only similar techs to mod_perl are: mod_snake (python
equivalent to mod_perl, very new though), mod_java (java equivalent,
doesn't even run yet AFAIK), the Apache C API, the microsoft internet
server API (ISAPI), and the netscape server API (NSAPI). There are
probably a few others that I've missed, for other web servers, but that's
pretty much it as far as technologies similar to mod_perl. In short: most
other tecnologies are web page API's, whereas mod_perl and its kin are web
server API's.

A common misconception though.


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