On Mon, 4 Sep 2000, Nelson Correa de Toledo Ferraz wrote:

> > That's because you're a Perl programmer.  The template syntax wasn't
> > designed for your tastes.  It was designed for the HTML designers you will
> > eventually have to work with - wether while you're actually on the project
> > or when it moves into maintainance and needs design changes.
> That's a good point, but take a look at Perl itself: it doesn't force you
> to be clear, but there are guidelines to make code more readable.

That doesn't help the designer who has honed his HTML skills and now is
chucked a 500 page copy of "Programming Perl" just to get his job done...

> > > And the first one has two major advantages: 1) requires less code in the
> > > Perl modules and 2) allows designers to know how Perl looks like.
> > 
> > 1) The more code you put in your modules the better.  This promotes code
> > reuse and better documentation.
> If I want to make something simple, make it simple! For instance:
>   <? for ($min..$max) { ?>
>      <OPTION> $_
>   <? } ?>

To a HTML monkey, all those curly brackets, question marks and dollars are
magical. All you've done is reduce some keystrokes. Looks fine to a perl
programmer, looks like a modem init string to a designer.

> > 2) Say what?  Are you running a school or trying to things done?  Putting
> > raw Perl in your HTML isn't helping you designers is any way I understand.
> I always try to teach while having things done. Learning a bit of Perl
> will help the designers as much as learning "raw HTML" instead of using
> just a WYSIWYG tool: they will be more productive.

At Perl? The designers I've met don't want to be more productive in
Perl. They want to get their jobs done, and that involves spending most of
their day in dreamweaver and photoshop (the rest of the time they usually 
spend smoking, or discussing last night's "Corrie")...


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