On Mon, 4 Sep 2000, Perrin Harkins wrote:

> Embedded perl is absolutely the best answer sometimes, but don't
> underestmate the value of turning your example into this:
> [% FOREACH thing = list %]
>   <a href="[% thing.url %]"><b>[% thing.name %]</b></a>
> [% END %]

That isn't really much better, in my opinion.  It's still too much of a
departure from the HTML around it.  Contrast the above to HTML::Template's

  <TMPL_LOOP list>
     <a href="<TMPL_VAR url>"><b><TMPL_VAR name></b></A>

With a little education an HTML designer can learn to manipulate the
template syntax.  You'll have to teach them to program before they can
deal with a full "foreach" no matter how you dress it up.


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