On Mon, 4 Sep 2000, brian moseley wrote:

> On Mon, 4 Sep 2000, Matt Sergeant wrote:
> > b) We all meet different people. The people I've worked
> > with, even people proficient in Javascript, flip their
> > lid when they get forced to look at things like $_ and
> > regexps when they know of easier systems out there. And
> > I know what SF is like - anyone working in computing
> > there is getting paid a hell of a lot more than the
> > people working in it here (cost of housing not
> > withstanding).
> your point being, they are highly paid so they are ok
> looking at perl?

No, they are highly paid because they are highly skilled, generally.

> it's a hell of a lot sillier, imo, to use a sql taglib to
> draw data out of a database while you're processing a
> template, than to draw the data FIRST, handling errors and
> business logic, and THEN process your template, doing a very
> simple merge of template and data.

Thats not how SQL taglibs work in things like AxKit and Cocoon. The taglib
generates a data structure, which gets processed in the next stage of the
pipeline (this is more efficient than it sounds, but the efficiency is
hidden from the user).


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