Ian Kallen wrote:
> Today, Greg Cope <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> frothed and...:
> > I posted about a generic URL mangeler / cookie session handler a few
> > days ago.
> >
> > Allthough this is not rocket science - I've writen a URI transhandler
> > that will put the session id into pnotes, and if cookies are off will do
> > a redirect to itself with a munged URL
> > (www.foo.com/id_here/original_bit_here).  A quick uri rewrite and bob's
> > one of your parents sister.   The only major issue is that I cannot
> Two separate issues, two separate replies :)
> If you do this, build it into Apache::Session!  Leverage the existing
> storage mechanisms built in there already (file, DBI, etc).  My only
> other feature requests for this:

Why not have something that is generic that can work with
Apache::Session, and on its own.  Why - well some people may not like a
monothic session system, and may just wish to use one or the other.  For
example I am presently only using sessions to store a Database ID, and
that stores any data I like.  I am presently not using Apache::Session
(but thinking about it!)

> 1) include a %no_url_munging hash with user agents for known
> indexing spider storage.  You don't want inktomi or altavista returing
> munged URL's in search results!

I'm already including an option that will do a URI match and only
session bit that match a simple REGEX - so certain areas of a domain /
site can be non-sessioned.

Including a hash that has indexers in is no big deal  - Joshua from
Apache::ASP fame has a different spin and suggests using the query args
instead of URI rewriting which could help to solve this issue.

> 2) Have it configurable so that the url munger session pnote'ing can be
> turned off or on.

So if cookies are on then put the session id into pnotes else do not do
the redirect / url_munling bit - is that what you mean ?

Thanks for the pointers

Greg Cope

> I think without these features, url munging session mgt is pretty
> worthless.
> --
> Salon Internet                          http://www.salon.com/
>   Manager, Software and Systems "Livin' La Vida Unix!"
> Ian Kallen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> / AIM: iankallen / Fax: (415) 354-3326

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