> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robin Berjon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2000 10:43 AM
> To: Geoffrey Young
> Subject: Re: [RFC] Apache::Expires
> At 10:26 15/11/2000 -0500, Geoffrey Young wrote:
> >anyone else see an interest in an Apache::Expires (or 
> whatever)?  Is there
> >something out there already?  I was thinking of working on 
> it if there is
> >nothing out there, but it would require lots of RFC reading 
> and wrestling
> >with stuff like entity tags...
> It would definitely be interesting to provide an easy to use API to
> expiration and caching (at least one that would cover common 
> needs), it's
> easy to get mixed up in the details. I think Andreas wrote 
> something about
> all those issues last year, but I can't track it down right now.

I think he wrote the section in the guide on headers - that will definitely
help sort things out...

the more I think about it, thoug, I think it will be quite difficult.

say you want to cache a dynamic document for a week from creation - how do
you define when the week started?

maybe some compromises will be needed, like generically saying "months start
at 1" and "weeks start at sunday", etc...

just thinking out loud...


> -- robin b.
> Always remember you're unique just like everyone else. 

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