On Wed, 15 Nov 2000, Geoffrey Young wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone has some experience with expire headers for
> dynamic documents - kinda like mod_expires but for dynamic stuff.

We do this, and let mod_proxy use our headers to control its cache and
handle If-Modified requests.

> anyone else see an interest in an Apache::Expires (or whatever)?  Is there
> something out there already?  I was thinking of working on it if there is
> nothing out there, but it would require lots of RFC reading and wrestling
> with stuff like entity tags...

Um, it's pretty easy:

my $last_mod = time;
my $expires  = time + 360; # expires in one hour

$r->header_out('Expires'       => Apache::Util::ht_time($expires));
$r->header_out('Last-Modified' => Apache::Util::ht_time($last_modified));

Or did you have something different in mind?

- Perrin

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