On Mon, 11 Dec 2000, Geoffrey Young wrote:

> >
> > OK, so how about a new directive: DispatchBase. If that is set, remove
> > that from $r->filename, and use that as the base path.
> > Otherwise use the
> > $r->location method.
> yeah, I thought about that too - it would involve less overhead than
> scanning for the location of the .htaccess file, but wouldn't be as friendly
> as DispatchAccess On.
> I also don't want to confuse people, though.  The issue here is <Directory>
> v. <Location> and not specifically .htaccess files (any more, at least :) -
> applying this to a <Location> could start to get obscure (as if it isn't
> already :)
> DispatchTrim "/usr/local/apache/htdocs/"  ?
> DispatchBase (which is probably what I should have called DispatchISA) ?
> DispatchDirectory ?
> or do both that and have a .htaccess scan as well?

I'd make it as simple as possible. Make it DispatchRoot (akin to
DocumentRoot). Don't try and do anything fancy.


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