On Thu, 14 Dec 2000, Tom Brown wrote:

> On Thu, 14 Dec 2000, Ajit Deshpande wrote:
> > > 2. The POD for Apache::Registry says that it doesn't like __END__ and
> > > __DATA__ tokens.  So what affect do these actually have if left in?  Does
> In scripts? it's a syntax error, but that's a completely separate issue
> from modules which get used "as is" ...
> scripts get wrapped inside braces (and probably an eval) and obviously if
> you cut off the closing braces with an __END__ you're going to be in
> trouble...
> Apache::Registry isn't that big or complex ... have a look at it...

sorry, I realized I over simplified my answer and there are good
conclusions to be had from a better one... so my apologies for following
up on my own post... 

here's the immediately relevent code from Apache::Registry.pm

            my $eval = join(
                            'package ',
                            ';use Apache qw(exit);',
                            'sub handler {',
                            "\n}", # last line comment without newline?

... what you think of as your script is $sub in this join()... $package is
the Registry assigned package name, $line is a hint to the perl compiler
to try to get line numbers fixed...

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