Stas Bekman wrote:
> Come'n, are you sure you have ever looked at
> Books and Documentation:
>                        Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C book by
>                        Lincoln Stein and Doug MacEachern.
>                  ==>   Start learning mod_perl with the mod_perl Guide
>                        by Stas Bekman.
> <...>
I remember when I started with mod_perl last year, I didn't notice the guide
until I saw it mentioned on the list. is a long page, and
it's not obvious what order to read the various links in... The FAQ linked
to on this page includes 'What documentation should I read?' and doesn't
include the Guide in the answer... The link to the guide is the 32nd of 97
links on this page... It is one of 11 documentation links... So I guess what
I'm trying to say is that it's not that obvious ;-)

Maybe the mod_perl site could start with:
New to mod_perl? First, <a href="">download</a>
it and then <a href="">learn</a> to
install it. Now read <a href="">"The Guide"</a>
and become and mod_perl guru!
...or something like that.

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