On Fri Dec 15 11:28:03 2000 -0800 brian moseley wrote:

> On Fri, 15 Dec 2000, Perrin Harkins wrote:
> > Is there a reason you don't want to just hack on WING?  
> > It's a pretty powerful system and it was designed for
> > mod_perl.  Look it up on CPAN.
> it's an option, but it's got a large amount of dependencies,
> which makes it a tremendous effort for me to install on my
> system. for instance:
> 'On the frontend, install PostgreSQL. You may be able to use
> another SQL database, but
>  (1) it must support transactions (this rules out MySQL unless
>      someone rewrites Wing::Login in a way which doesn't require
>      transactions).

        This rewriting doesn't take much effort, I have done
it for one company.  You will need much more effort adding other things
to make it full-featured web-mail system.

      ☻ Ričardas Čepas ☺

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