>> Sigh. What the frel is your problem, binky?
 >Stas' problem, which apparently your researches have not discovered,
 >is that he WROTE the guide and when somebody starts spamming fifteen
 >hundred mailboxes because he didn't read it he's understandably a
 >little irritated.

Oh, no, don't get me wrong. I know he wrote the manual. I've even been to 
his website and seen his credentials (unknowingly enough, I've had his perl 
pages bookmarked for quite a while). I totally understand the whole RTFM 
thing. I did RTFM - how else would I have known all the other things to try 
in my original message (reproduced below)?:

 > - PerlSetupEnv Off
 > - PerlModule and PerlRequre
 > - Remove buffering.
 > - Cache from XML::Simple **

It wouldn't have been that big of a deal if he didn't point me to the exact 
same page that I had quoted from in my return email. And now, all of a 
sudden, I'm "spamming"?

 >Please try to understand that a lot of people have put a lot of work
 >into the stuff you are using for free.  Try to remain polite.

I'm not the one who initially accused me of not reading the manual and then 
trying to pull a fast one over on everyone else ("You didn't search the 
guide, even if you try to make everyone believe that you did").

 >We're doing our best to help.  Some of us are very busy.  Stas is very busy.

You don't think I'm busy? I code large projects, run an ISP/webhost, 
maintain a content site called Disobey.com which get a million hits a 
month, and have been doing it for the past four years. Disobey brought the 
world Ghost Sites and NetSlaves, and gets press 
(disobey.com/about/presspit.shtml) frequently enough that it's becoming 
flippin' annoying. But I digress.

I know what it's like to busy. I know what it's like to say "Hey! RTFM!". 
But I don't like being sent to the same page that I quoted from, with 
solutions outside of perl (which I had already said in another reply was 
not what I was looking for), and then to be given an elitism attitude at 
the same time.

If the list feels it best that I unsubscribe, then by all means, say so 
offlist. For the record, however, I'm not the clueless newbie, I did RTFM 
(although, as admitted in another post, skipped the explanation of 
triggering the USR2 signal due to it being related to 'kill' and not a perl 
solution), and was only impolite after the golden rule came into effect.

I hope ya understand.

Morbus Iff
.sig on other machine.

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