On Mon, 18 Jun 2001, Keith G. Murphy wrote:

> Trevor Phillips wrote:
> >
> > Is there any way to control which daemon handles a certain request with apache
> > 1.x?
> >
> > eg; Out of a pool of 50 daemons, restricting accesses to a certain mod_perl
> > application to 10 specific daemons would improve the efficiency of data cached
> > in those processes.
> >
> Making sure the browser supports HTTP 1.1 (persistent connections) will
> get you a lot better performance in many cases, since a particular user
> will tend to keep hitting the same daemon, so that helps if they're
> hitting the same or a related script over and over.

I beg your pardon Keith, but probably in most cases this is a very bad
suggestion. By leaving the KeepAlive's on (I guess that's what you refer
to by persistent connections) you tie a server to a user. Which makes your
service very unscalable. Given that you can afford X servers processes
running, when X users will get their persistent connection open, your
service becomes closed to any other users.

Using KeepAlive's is good mainly for static requests.

hold off... here is the story:

Your solution is good though if you know that you can have at most X users
over a long time span. Which is usually the case on the intranet servers
in the small companies.

Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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