Heh. Forgot to state that it does cost an arm and a leg but it's one of
the few software packages that is worth considering paying money for IMO.

However, with the economy being the way it is, it is possible to "rent"
the software for a period of time but this is done by special arrangement
on a case by case basis.

If you ask, they may be willing to give you a copy of the software. The
out-the-box install allows you to record and playback as well as load up
to 10 (iirc) users which nicely lets you test out the functionality. I
think I have a copy of it somewhere around here. If there is interest, I
can get you in touch with the right people.


On Wed, 13 Mar 2002, Matt Sergeant wrote:

> On Tue, 12 Mar 2002, Jauder Ho wrote:
> >
> > Another application (commercial) is Mercury Interactive's LoadRunner. It
> > actually records events and plays it back on "load generator" machines.
> > It's fairly complex, has LOTs of knobs to turn and can load test quite a
> > bit more than just web apps, I use it to load test/benchmark Oracle 11i
> > for instance. The software is not cheap but definitely worth looking into
> > if you are serious about testing. (www.merc-int.com)
> >
> > They also sell something called ActiveTest which may be more suited to a
> > web applications. In this case, they will test your site for you using
> > their hardware at a colo site.
> Before anyone even looks into this, be warned they quoted me £50,000 once
> for LoadRunner. Needless to say I was flabbergasted (though their software
> did look kinda cool).
> --
> <!-- Matt -->
> <:->Get a smart net</:->

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