On Thu, 20 Feb 2003, Scott Alexander wrote:

If I set my browser to david:8080/login.pl then everything works okay,
Cookie gets set, and my session is current until I logout.

So the setup is something to do with mod_proxy on the proxy server.

Is it the cookie doesn't get sent back thru the reverse proxy?

I use cookies in some other areas of the application and they are working
fine since moving over to a reverse_proxy server, mod_perl server setup.



> Hi,
> I'm trying to use the example from the Eagle book on page 309 - 314 using
> the TicketAccess, TicketMaster, TicketTool handlers.
> In TicketMaster in sub go_to_uri it sets the a cookie with the $ticket.
> I can print $ticket to error log to see what it contains. But for some
> reason the cookie never gets set.
> Netscape's cookie manager doesn't show any new cookie from my site.
> Here is a copy from my httpd.cong file for the two servers.
> david1 is a mod_proxy for the mod_perl server (david)
> On david1 I have
> ProxyPass /login.pl http://david:8080/login.pl
> ProxyPassReverse /login.pl http://david:8080/
> On david the mod_perl server in the httpd.conf file I have
> ============================
> <Location /login.pl>
>         SetHandler  perl-script
>         PerlHandler Apache::TicketMaster
>         PerlSetVar  TicketDomain   david1
>         PerlSetVar  TicketSecret   /key.txt
>         PerlSetVar  TicketDatabase mysql:admin
>         PerlSetVar  TicketTable    person:user:passwd
>         PerlSetVar  TicketExpires  100
> </Location>
> <Directory /usr/local/systems/work/>
>         PerlSendHeader On
>         SetHandler perl-script
>         PerlHandler Apache::Registry
>         Options +ExecCGI
>         # OLD
>         #AuthName "Oppilaitosjärjestelmä"
>         #AuthType Basic
>         #PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthAny
>         #require valid-user
>         #<Limit GET POST PUT DELETE>
>         #        require valid-user
>         #</Limit>
>         # NEW
>         PerlAccessHandler Apache::TicketAccess
>         PerlSetVar TicketDomain david1
>         PerlSetVar TicketSecret   /key.txt
>         PerlSetVar  TicketDatabase mysql:admin
>         PerlSetVar  TicketTable    person:user:passwd
>         PerlSetVar  TicketExpires  100
>         ErrorDocument 403 /login.pl
>         ErrorDocument 401 /bin/admin/error/401.html
>         #ErrorDocument 403 /bin/admin/error/403.html
>         ErrorDocument 404 /bin/admin/error/404.html
>         ErrorDocument 500 /bin/admin/error/500.html
> </Directory>
> Any help is appreciated
> Scott

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