On Wed, 24 Apr 2002, Adi Fairbank wrote:

> Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 13:27:11 -0700
> From: Adi Fairbank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: full-featured online database apps
> For example, what I'm looking for are other projects similar to Gedafe:
>   http://isg.ee.ethz.ch/tools/gedafe/
> but maybe with a more customizable front-end.
> -Adi


I've written so many on-line database apps in mod_perl/MySQL/Oracle
that I think I'll go crazy sometimes.  They all have so much in
common, esp. the typical administrative interface where you have to
"show all," "show one," "edit," "create," "[confirm] delete," etc.
Everytime I find myself following the same basic formula, but they're
all so significantly different that I can't really see reusing much
code.  I guess you could abstract things to such a degree that
lots of directives could be passed to extremely generic methods, but
that actually has always seemed more trouble to me than it's worth.

I guess my bit of insight I'm trying to share is that you should
probably just write your own from scratch.  It sounds like you're
somewhat new to this, anyway, so the experience will do you good.  :)
I guess I just don't think you're going to find anything that will
ever be as flexible and powerful as something you write yourself.
You'd likely spend as much time trying to grok someone else's code so
you could modify it as you'd spend hacking your own.

If you'd like examples of how to go about this, write me off-list and
I'll send you a lot of nasty code.


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