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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ken Y. Clark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Adi Fairbank" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 1:23 PM
Subject: Re: full-featured online database apps

> ....
> I've written so many on-line database apps in mod_perl/MySQL/Oracle
> that I think I'll go crazy sometimes.  They all have so much in
> common, esp. the typical administrative interface where you have to
> "show all," "show one," "edit," "create," "[confirm] delete," etc.
> Everytime I find myself following the same basic formula, but they're
> all so significantly different that I can't really see reusing much
> code.  I guess you could abstract things to such a degree that
> lots of directives could be passed to extremely generic methods, but
> that actually has always seemed more trouble to me than it's worth.
> ....

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