I'm using mod_perl and Apache::Session on an app that
is similar to MyYahoo. I found a few bits of info from
a previous thread, but I'm curious as to what type of
information should go in the session and what should
come from the database.

Currently I'm putting very little in the session, but
what I am putting in the session is more "global" in
nature...greeting, current page number, current page
name...data that doesn't change very often. I'm
pulling a lot of info from the database and I wonder
if my design is sound. Most of the info being pulled
from the database is features for the page. 

Now I need to add global "modules" to the page which
will show user info like which pages they have created
and which features are being emailed to the user.
These modules will display on every page unless the
user turns them off. It seems that since this info
wouldn't change very often that I should put the data
in the session...

Anyone have any general tips on session design?


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