Hello md --

> I'm using mod_perl and Apache::Session on an app that
> is similar to MyYahoo. I found a few bits of info from
> a previous thread, but I'm curious as to what type of
> information should go in the session and what should
> come from the database.

One thing to watch out for is the trap of using session data as a dumping
ground for global variables.  Since you are asking "what belongs in a
session", it seems you are already thinking along those lines.  I have found
that many people who are fond of sessions often use them to store data which
I would be personally inclined to store in hidden form data, in a simple
cookie, or retrieve from a database when needed.

In my systems I usually only store a single "session ID" in a cookie -- a
key which references a database row.  This allows me to have as much data as
I like but keep it all in the database.  There is one case where it might
make sense to put data into a "session" of some sort -- to cache information
which is very time-consuming to retrieve.  Minimizing time-consuming
database operations is an important thing to think about in large systems,
and a place where session data might come in handy.

Warmest regards,



  Jesse Erlbaum
  The Erlbaum Group
  Phone: 212-684-6161
  Fax: 212-684-6226

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