I've set up a ppm repository at
for ppm packages compatible with the beta release of Win32
ActivePerl 8xx (based on perl-5.8). This can also be accessed by
setting, within the ppm shell, the repository to
If you've been having problems with, eg, scripts hanging
with mod_perl-2 and perl-5.6.1, you may want to give 5.8 a try.

For now the packages in the repostiry are mod_perl (this is
mod_perl-2, for Apache-2) and a few others not in ActiveState's
repository at
In installing the mod_perl ppm package a post-install script is
supposed to be run, asking where you want mod_perl.so placed.
This may not work with ppm3, in which case you can grab the
corresponding mod_perl.tar.gz referred to in the .ppd file and
extract mod_perl.so from there.

Note that ActivePerl has set the NAME of ARCHITECTURE in the ppd
file to MSWin32-x86-multi-thread-5.8, to distinguish it from 5.6
builds (which aren't binary compatible). If you have a self-built
perl-5.8 and want to install ppm packages like this, what you can
do is grab the .ppd and .tar.gz files and edit things accordingly
to reflect your ARCHITECTURE and CODEBASE.

In a few days I'll update the perl-5.8/mod_perl-2/Apache-2 binary
we have at ftp://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/pub/other/ to one based on
the Perl sources provided by ActiveState, such that this will
also be able to use these 5.8 repositories for upgrading.
Please let me know if you run into any problems with using
this repository.

best regards,
randy kobes

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