In article <> you wrote:
> Ralf S. Engelschall wrote:

>> Ok, I make you an offer: Create a temporary rse account on your box which has
>> around 15 MB free disk space available and I'll try to setup Apache on your
>> box and debug the code on your specific platform. I'm sure it's a local
>> platform problem, but we cannot find it without tracing the code.  Drop me a
>> note with the password and machine/account info into my private mail folder
>> when you established this.

>  No need, they eventually figured the Apache + mod_ssl + JRun stuff
> themselves.

Oh, fine. 

>  Needless to say, commpiling code isn't my area of expertise, and
> so being pressed into getting it all up and running an hour before
> the deadline didn't do much for my humour.  They picked up where
> I left off and it's now working fine.  Thanks for your help!

Good to hear that they finally solved the problems. But perhaps you at least
can ask them what the problem was and how they solved it?  Because perhaps it
was a subtle pitfall others can fall into in the future, too. Then we can add
it to the INSTALL file or the FAQ section in the manual... 

Please always try to share experiences. Thanks.

                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apache Interface to SSLeay (mod_ssl)
Official Support Mailing List               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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