In article <> you wrote:

> No important information/questions in this message,
> just wanted to tell that these days I finally switched from
> apache_1.3.1+ben-ssl_1.19 to apache_1.3.3+mod_ssl_2.1.13.
> Despite I have a few custom modules and patches here, building
> of the server was amazingly hassale-free and it started to
> work as expected immediately.  Good job Ralf!

Thanks, always nice to hear positive feedback.

But not only thank me. Thank all who try out mod_ssl, give feedback, patches,
etc. and this way let us together create a very good SSL solution for Apache.
I'm only the driving guy, but the actual development power for mod_ssl comes
from the whole community, of course. 

BTW, that's why the credit information in the distribution has even its own
stand-alone CREDITS file. Because it's not an unimportant point. No, without
the contributions and feedback (whether minor or major is not actually
important) mod_ssl wouldn't exist...

                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apache Interface to SSLeay (mod_ssl)
Official Support Mailing List               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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