On Thu, Dec 03, 1998, Todd Vierling wrote:

> I have updated the Apache and Apache/mod_ssl pkgs for NetBSD's pkgsrc
> (similar to FreeBSD's ports) system.

Great, I really appreciate this work for NetBSD.
Very good.

> The NetBSD setup is rather special in that it completely splits the
> installation of Apache and mod_ssl.  The Apache pkg (www/apache) is
> installed without mod_ssl, but does contain the EAPI and documentation links
> for a possible future installation of mod_ssl.  It also contains the
> necessary lines in the default httpd.conf to load the libcrypto, libssl,
> and librsaref (if needed) shared libraries dynamically before mod_ssl.so.

Just a question? Why do you have to load libcrypto.so and libssl.so manually?
Because of a.out? At least under ELF you should be able to link libssl.so
against libssl.so and libcrypto.so and they should be loaded implicitly.  And
one more question: What's the reason you have to name the DSO mod_ssl.so
instead of libssl.so? Because of the conflict with the "real" libssl.so?

> The mod_ssl pkg (www/ap-ssl) compiles and installs without the need for an
> Apache source tree, as Apache was installed beforehand with the necessary
> patches.  It uses the `apxs' Perl script to compile, link, and install
> mod_ssl.so.  Whe Apache is run, the new section of httpd.conf described
> above will load the necessary libraries and mod_ssl, _only_ if needed with
> httpd -DSSL ("apachectl startssl").

Ops, seems like I was too slow or you too fast. Last weekend I've added full
APXS support to the distribution. I think this would make your life easier.
When you're interesting you can test my APXS support. I've still not comitted
it for mod_ssl 2.1.x because it's not enough tested.  But it already works
fine for me. You just have to use --with-apxs instead of --with-apache and
anything else works magically ;-) Let it me know when I can use you as a
beta-tester for this stuff...
                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apache Interface to SSLeay (mod_ssl)   www.engelschall.com/sw/mod_ssl/
Official Support Mailing List               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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