On Mon, Dec 07, 1998, Todd Vierling wrote:

> On Thu, 3 Dec 1998, Ralf S. Engelschall wrote:
> :  And one more question: What's the reason you have to name the DSO
> : mod_ssl.so instead of libssl.so? Because of the conflict with the "real"
> : libssl.so?
> Now I can't remember whether I answered this ... Because other shared object
> modules are in general named "mod_*.so", and you enable it with `AddModule
> mod_ssl.c'.  Calling it `libssl.so' did not seem appropriate for a dynamic
> module.

That's correct. I hate this naming scheme myself, but the guy (not me) who
initially designed the Apache source-tree Makefile-mechanism didn't thought
about DSOs ;-) That's why now libproxy, libperl, libphp3 and libssl exists.
And with DSO the standard extension was .so, so we currently get libssl.so.
That's not nice. I myself would appreciate mod_ssl.so, too. Let's see perhaps
I find some patches to cleanup the Apache configuration method for those

> It does not conflict with the installed libssl, only because Apache normally
> sends dlopen() an absolute pathname to find libssl (which precludes a
> library search).  In the NetBSD pkg version of apache, there's a special
> hack to reverse this effect; a `LoadFile !libname.so' will ask dlopen() to
> path search for the library.

> : Ops, seems like I was too slow or you too fast. Last weekend I've added full
> : APXS support to the distribution. I think this would make your life easier.
> : When you're interesting you can test my APXS support.
> I will be making use of it when I update the NetBSD pkg to 2.1.3, but it
> will likely patch the makefile to call it `mod_ssl.so'.  :>

Sure, do it this way. But until I change the mechanism directly inside the
Apache source tree I should not change it for mod_ssl, of course.  Perhaps I
finally find a clean solution for Apache which would also cleanup our naming
stuff for mod_ssl...
                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apache Interface to SSLeay (mod_ssl)   www.engelschall.com/sw/mod_ssl/
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