
I have discovered some strange behavior using mod_proxy with SSL Client

We are talking about the following scenario:
Component:      Web Browser --- Proxy (mod_proxy)       --- Web Server
SSL Role:       SSL Client  --- SSL server | SSL Client --- SSL Server

Let's have a look at the second part of the connection:
Component:      mod_proxy  --- Web Server
SSL Role:       SSL Client --- SSL Server

In my scenario the Web server requires a SSL Client Certificate from

I figured out that providing both, client certificate and private key, in a
file referenced by SSLProxyMachineCertificateFile makes this scenario

This brings up some questions to me:

Why aren't there two options like SSLProxyMachineCertificateFile,
SSLProxyMachineKeyFile for separated certificate and key files?

Is there a way to provide several certificate/key pairs?

The Apache documentation (www.apache.org) describes SSLProxy* as part of
mod_ssl. Why isn't there any information about SSLProxy* on www.modssl.org?
(Probably Ralf Engelschall can explain this.)

Is this Apache 2.0 feature available in Apache 1.3 too?

I think the current documentation of SSLProxyMachineCertificateFile is at
least misleading.

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