Hoda Nadeem schrieb:
A team member was able to find a working solution (issue: single IP, two
domains, one domain requires client auth, the other domain plain SSL,
both functional with same apache instance using virtual hosts):

Hi Hoda,

test the following:

Close all browsers to get a new clean session (start new IE). Use a browser with definitely no included user cert (sometimes free email-certs are also enabled for client authentification, backup and remove). Visit your second defined <domain 2>. Asking for an user cert?

According to your setup all request can go to only one of the configured vhost, do some more test with clean browsers (=> close your browsers after each test to ensure the session is really closed). To ensure you are on the right vhost it would make sense to use different docroots with different content showing right away where you are hitting.

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)                   www.modssl.org
User Support Mailing List                      modssl-users@modssl.org
Automated List Manager                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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