AFAIK this is not possible with a virtual host.
However there is no reason you can't run each virtual
host as it's own server (split off into own config,
use the -f and -d options). It really depends on the
your load and flexibility requirements. Currently some
servers I manage have 50+ apache servers. While not
the best for memory and efficency, the flexibility is


--- Sourabh Bhandari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi, 
> I've Apache running as reverse proxy on Linux with
> (mod_ssl). 
> There are multiple sites behind the Apache. 
> There are cases when cipher-suite or certificate for
> a
> site has to be changed. In that case Apache is
> restarted to take changes in account. 
> This results in disconnection of all the connected
> users (whether they are connected for site for which
> changes are done or for the sie for which nothing
> has
> been changed).
> Is there a way I can modify cipher-suite or
> certificate so that I dont need to restart the
> Apache
> and all the users session stay valid and working. (I
> wont mind if users connected to site for which
> changes
> are made get disconnected).
> Thanks in advance, 
> -Sourabh
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