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Not to mention 15MB download * 100K concurrent users is some *serious* traffic. If you're going to be paying that kind of $$$ for bandwidth, I hope you've got some cash left over for a load balancer and additional web servers. Some quick (and hopefully accurate) math:

For a T3:
15MB * 1024^2 bytes/MB * 8 bits/byte * 100,000 sessions / (45Mbit/s * 1024^2 bits/Mbit) / 60 sec/min / 60 min/hour = 74 hours

For a 100Mbps ethernet uplink:
15MB * 1024^2 bytes/MB * 8 bits/byte * 100,000 sessions / (100Mbit/s * 1024^2 bits/Mbit) / 60 sec/min / 60 min/hour = 33 hours

And those assume zero overhead for framing and TCP/IP. Not to mention, 100K Apache children/threads running to support all those connections (not going to happen). So yeah, uh, them some serious numbers. You're going to need some serious uplink and hardware (load balancer, multiple boxes) to pull this off.

I gotta ask though, just what are you doing where you expect 100K people trying to download a 15MB file all at the same time? You working for Microsoft and planning the next security tuesday patch update or something? :)

- --
Aaron Turner, Sr. Security Engineer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Ph: 408.329.6320          Fax: 408.329.6317

On Sep 26, 2005, at 8:52 AM, Dave paris wrote:

In an earlier note, you said that it was 10K-100K *concurrent* users.

a) that's a magnitude of difference, see if you can get better numbers from whomever is doing the marketing/project planning. b) ain't no way you're going to do that many *CONCURRENT* transactions on a single box.


Pigeon wrote:

Hmm.. 10k -100k are pretty much  guaranteed numbers..
So my main computer crunching will be done at the beginning? (and to relive this I can do session key caching.. how long can I cache a key? is this 'secure'?) (also.. all transfers will be ~15megs in size)
And using a single server is out of the question?
If we just go with one server.. shouldn't it be something super fast.. amd64 1gig ram?

On Mon, 26 Sep 2005, Pigeon wrote:

Hello, I am trying to plan a system that can handle 10k-100k users.

I am only using apache w/mod-ssl

What should I look at to reduce overhead of bandwidth/cpu/mem?

At what point should I look at ssl accelerators?

Should I definitly look at clustering?

Also.. I ahve heard about ssl session key caching, anyone know how much this
will improve things?

Any good resources I can read?

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