Solution (mostly) found. The problem is with a misconfiguration of the Fecora Core 4 http configuration tool: the tool doesn't know about the split in configuration files in core 4 (httpd.conf in /etc/httpd/conf, ssl.conf in /etc/httpd/ conf.d). ssl.conf already contains a Listen on 443 directive, so the listen on 443 directive which the configuration tool creates in httpd.conf is a duplicate, and causes a duplicate listener problem.

I'll report the bug on bugzilla (my solution is to comment out the listent directive in ssl.conf, so I can still use the configuration tool). I'm still left with one relatively minor problem. Fedora has a nice Makefile support for creating certificates, including self-signed certificates, which is what I need. However there is no provision for creating a chain file, yet the configuration tool insists on there being one (it crashes otherwise). I put in a ca-bundle, and it appears to work, but it's clearly not the right solution. What should go there? Or is there an appropriate way to create my own chain file? Or is the configuration tool just wrong in insisting on one?

    Thanks for any suggestions
    Bob McKay

On 29/09/2005, at 21:13, Cliff Woolley wrote:

"Starting httpd: (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not
bind to address <my IP address>:443
no listening sockets available, shutting down"

However the key information really is missing. So it looks like this
may be a problem in the fedora httpd configuration tool, because the key
information definitely is
there in the virtual host configuration in the gui, it's just not
getting saved for some reason.

Okay... although I don't think we've yet found a good explanation for
why you're getting the message you're getting.  Perhaps duplicate
Listen statements?
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Bob McKay
521-302, School of Computer Science & Engineering,
College of Engineering, Seoul National University, San 56-1,
Sinlim-dong, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 151-744, Korea

Tel:      +82 2 880 9392

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)         
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