On Wed, 15 Dec 2004, David E. Wheeler wrote:

I guess that makes it a DFA, no?

Yes, but not in the traditional sense. Traditionally, you can only have 1 transition from a state for a given input. i.e. the model all by itself defines a deterministic behavior. What you actually have is model+algorithm defining a deterministic behavior.

IMHO, I would simply disallow multiple transitions in the model, which
would make it a real DFA. This change shouldn't impact your algorithm.
(i.e. it's doesn't find the *first* match, but rather *the* match.)

I'm pretty sure you don't want to try to implement an NFA directly. You'd
have to explore each possible transition (and following transitions),
backtracking when you reach a dead end. It would be better to convert an
NFA into a DFA. (NFAs are equivalent in power to DFAs.)


David Coppit                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The College of William and Mary        http://coppit.org/

"Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take
everything you have ... The course of history shows that as a government
grows, liberty decreases." -- Thomas Jefferson

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