On Dec 15, 2004, at 12:43 PM, David E. Wheeler wrote:

D'oh! I've already renamed it DFA::Rules in Subversion. Ah, well, at least it's easy to change. Look for the new module to be on CPAN later today.

And here it is:

The following report has been written by the PAUSE namespace indexer.
Please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] if there are any open questions.

               User: DWHEELER (David Wheeler)
  Distribution file: FSA-Rules-0.02.tar.gz
    Number of files: 11
         *.pm files: 1
             README: FSA-Rules-0.02/README
           META.yml: FSA-Rules-0.02/META.yml
  Timestamp of file: Wed Dec 15 22:06:02 2004 UTC
   Time of this run: Wed Dec 15 22:34:51 2004 UTC

The following packages (grouped by status) have been found in the distro:

Status: Successfully indexed

     module: FSA::Rules
    version: 0.02
    in file: FSA-Rules-0.02/lib/FSA/Rules.pm
     status: indexed


This reminds me, though. Is there a way to specify keywords for the CPAN indexer, preferably in Build.PL? I'd like to add the keywords "DFA" and "NFA", if for no other reason than that people can find FSA::Rules when they search on those terms, in case they're not familiar with "FSA".

Anyway, enjoy!


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