Ovid wrote:
> For something as high profile as Test::Simple, it would get much more
> exposure than most modules.  Plus, there wasn't much in the changelog
> which suggested this was a rush OMG Must Deliver Now sort of change (it
> had been six months since the last release).

I get a bug up my ass, spend a few hours going through the tracker, fix some
bugs and release.  Otherwise it's

> And it would be nice to have this run against a substantial portion of
> a minicpan install since breaking the toolchain is a very, very bad
> thing to do (as Schwern as *repeatedly* pounded into my head :)

Well, the repository trunk is always kept at passing so if folks want to smoke
 with that it's safe.

The interface should be as clean as newly fallen snow and its behavior
as explicit as Japanese eel porn.

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