On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 01:03:32PM +0300, sawyer x wrote:

> Perhaps we do need some added guidelines to CPAN.

I don't think so.  We just need smarter tools.

> the fact that some modules are so outdated they won't work on any
> standard system, and there's no way to parse them out in the search
> ("give me only modules which work on 5.8 and hold the ketchup").

I've mumbled a bit recently about doing a CP5.6AN (for various values of
5.6), which would, to clients like CPAN.pm, look exactly like a normal
CPAN mirror.

Underneath, however, the 02packages file would include, instead of the
latest version of each distribution, the latest version *which has at
least one CPAN-testers 'pass' report for the desired version of perl*.
This "mirror" would not contain any other files apart from the hacked up
02packages - everything else would be handled by responding with HTTP
redirects sending people to a "real" CPAN mirror or to the backpan.

This little project is all planned and designed (it's so simple that the
above paragraph is the entire spec), it just needs someone to sit down
and write a little bit of code and configure Apache.  I'll do it
eventually, but my to-do list is rather long.  If anyone else wants to
pick it up and implement it, I'd be delighted.

David Cantrell | top google result for "topless karaoke murders"

  I remember when computers were frustrating because they did
  exactly what you told them to.  That seems kinda quaint now.
      -- JD Baldwin, in the Monastery

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