
GitHub allows to fork your git repository just by pushing "Fork" button.
NGP (possible name - Net::GitHub::Parent) is a module to determine which module stands in a root of forking hierarhy or in other words, which repository is a parent one for this.

Net::GitHub is a similar module, but it is more low level, more complex and requires several modules, for ex. Crypt::SSLeay.
NGP will depend only on YAML::Tiny and LWP::UserAgent.

Possible applications: my new projects: eumm-upgrade (to use new functionality of ExtUtil::MakeMaker) and eumm-migrate (to convert Makefile.PL to Build.PL). Both will use Module::Install::Repository to detect repository and NGP to get correct one (in case this one is forked one).

 Alexandr                          mailto:alexcho...@gmail.com

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