On Tuesday 10 Nov 2009 19:42:09 John M. Gamble wrote:
> Aristotle Pagaltzis wrote:
> > * Ryan Voots <simcop2...@yahoo.com> [2009-11-09 15:20]:
> >> I Thought the typical convention was to try to find some other
> >> root namespace to put things in rather than making yet another
> >> one?
> >
> > No one browses CPAN by namespace any more, so it hardly matters.
> Ahem.  Just because it's deliberately made difficult to do so doesn't
> mean that no one does it.
> In particular the Math and Algorithm namespaces are something I browse
> through often, and I
> doubt that I'm the only one.

Yeah. I should note that now that I've started contributing to CPANHQ (see 
http://perlbuzz.com/2009/07/introducing-cpanhq.html ) I've been thinking of 
implementing a dynamic category tree, similar to the Sourceforge.net/old-
Freshmeat.net trove categorisation, only somewhat more suitable to Perl and 
CPAN. People didn't like my suggestion for a list of canonical categories 
besides the keywords section at the META.yml, but I think I can use the 
keywords section for that by doing "cat/t/topic/word-proc" keywords (or 
alternatively keep the database in an external place). I don't intend to 
depend on the authors alone - by all means ordinary surfers will be able to 
tag or categorise stuff too (though that would be with less weight).

Also see this post to the wikimedia-L on why I think free-form tags have not 
completely superseded category trees:


I should note that as great as the hierarchical organisation of the Perl 5 
namespaces is (and by infusion CPAN's), it still can be misleading. If you're 
looking for an OOP module, you are likely to look under Object- or Class- - 
not under "Moose". I don't want to have hard rules against keeping things in 
proper order, I'm just saying that we need a more semantic categorisation 
system than the Perl 5 namespaces.


        Shlomi Fish

> > Whereas I find the trend toward cutesy names problematic. Because
> > ultimately what matters is that things be findable by sticking
> > the obvious keywords into search.cpan.org. Github::Fork::Parent
> > is quite acceptable by that criterion.
> >
> > Regards,
>     -john

Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
What does "Zionism" mean? - http://shlom.in/def-zionism

Chuck Norris read the entire English Wikipedia in 24 hours. Twice.

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